Requests for Asylum Soar in 2018

New York Asylum Lawyer

Despite a concerted effort on the part of the Trump administration to discourage and limit legal immigration and to reduce the ability of refugees to find refuge in the U.S., the number of requests for asylum went up by almost 70 percent in 2018 from the previous year. Most immigration experts point to violence and starvation conditions in Central and South America as precipitating causes for this wave of immigrants.

Families in Peril

Statistics released by the Department of Homeland Security on December 10, 2018, indicate that almost 93,000 individuals crossed the border illegally and then requested asylum at an official port of entry. Figures released by Customs and Border Protection estimate that about 60 percent of all those requesting asylum in the United States were part of a family group. This highlights the tragic situations of many of those who have come to the U.S. in search of a safe haven from dangerous conditions in their former homes.

Metering Process Intended to Discourage Asylum Seekers

Many immigrants are facing long waits at the border before their case for asylum can even be considered in U.S. immigration courts. This is because of a process referred to as metering, which limits the number of asylum petitioners allowed through the border on a given day. While Customs and Border Protection officials blame these delays on excessive numbers of potential immigrants and limited personnel to handle asylum requests, some immigration advocates believe that metering is a deliberate attempt to discourage potential immigrants before they receive a fair hearing from immigration authorities.

The Need for Competent Legal Representation

For immigrants already in this country and facing issues with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or other federal agencies, seeking the professional services of a New York immigration lawyer can provide added help in navigating all aspects of the U.S. legal system. A qualified and experienced New York immigration lawyer can put the odds on your side when dealing with actions by ICE and can represent your interests in and out of immigration court.

If you need the services of an experienced and knowledgeable New York immigration lawyer, Oltarsh & Associates, P.C. can help you deal with the legal aspects of work visas, immigrant visas and many other immigration-related issues. We work with families and individuals to resolve immigration problems quickly and effectively. Call us today at 212-944-9420 to schedule a free case evaluation. We are here to help you and your family resolve immigration issues to secure the most positive outcomes for your situation.

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