New York immigrant I.D. Cards

the Mayor of the City of New York has intervened by instituting a program to start in December, 2014 to grant a New York immigrant I.D. to all New Yorkers over the age of 14 regardless of their immigration status.

The State and City I.D’s should be issued in December which will provide a beacon light for welcoming our immigrating neighbors. From their skills and industry America’s communities will receive numerous benefits and advantages.

This I.D. card will have a photo and basic information such as the date of birth and address. Access to all State facilities such as entering public schools and public buildings, recourse to the police, opening bank accounts, and even to secure drivers licenses will be available. This law will lower the rate of fleeing persons who are involved in traffic accidents providing security to those who are injured because all persons who have driver’s licenses must have automobile insurance. Admission to city facilities like the Bronx Zoo, the New York Botanical Gardens and the Brooklyn Academy of Music will all be provided. The city and state of New York has promised not to provide assistance or information to the Federal Government in its program to arrest New Yorkers so they may feel safe.

If you need help or advise from our New York immigration attorneyCall Us: (212)944-9420. or Email: [email protected]

Our assistance is only a phone call, or e-mail communication away!

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