Rising unauthorized numbers of children are trying to enter the U.S. border through Mexico, some with their parents or close family members, some helped by coyotes and some just coming alone. The stampede to the U.S. is first and foremost the result of terrorism south of the border: Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and Salvador. These children are fleeing their countries because their parents are already here and they come to join them or their parents just send them here due to violence south of the border. These young under age 18 refugees merit humanitarian consideration to be allowed to stay here because of the instability of their countries to control the violence that has resulted from narco trafficking.
How Can We Help?
These unaccompanied undocumented children are fleeing from fear of gangs and uncontrolled forces that especially threaten young girls who fear rape. When the Immigration catches them, the children need to be assisted in finding their family members in the U.S., whether legal or illegal. Once the Immigration Service ascertains where the families are, the Immigration Service arranges for the children to be picked up after their identities are established. These children are under the age of 18.
When these families have secured their children, we can help by arranging that a good friend or family member who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident can help by applying to a State Court to be appointed as guardian for the child or children. After the guardian has been appointed the children need to be placed in schools, public or private and these children must be seen to be properly cared for.
After these children are provided for, we can then file for these children for adjustment of status for permanent residence. This will secure them in the U.S. for now and for the future as well. When these children will have finished school they should be able to pursue careers and work here to become part of their American communities. This disaster that is occurring all over Mexico and Central America may yet then be resolved by our national humanitarian efforts by turning this threat into great advantages for these children and for the U.S. as well.
If you need help or advise, call our New York immigration attorney at (212)944-9420. or Email: [email protected].
Our assistance is only a phone call, or e-mail communication away!