Releasing New York Immigrant Driver Data to ICE Now a Felony Offense

In a move intended to protect the rights of immigrants, New York has made it a felony for officials in the state to share immigrant driver data with federal agencies like Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Officials who do provide this information to ICE, CBP or other federal immigration agencies could be charged with a Class E felony in the state.

New Requirements for New York Officials

According to the new amendment to the Green Light Law, officials who have access to immigrant driver data are required to certify that they will not provide this information to federal agencies charged with enforcing immigration laws. This amendment will ensure that the Green Light Law is effective in encouraging immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses to ensure public safety on New York streets and highways.

In the Interest of Public Welfare

The Green Light Law allows immigrants to apply and test for driver’s licenses and to become licensed drivers regardless of their current immigration status. Many immigrants depend on their ability to drive to take children to school and to obtain gainful employment. By providing these individuals and families a way in which to drive legally, New York hopes to reduce the number of drivers without licenses or training on the roads. This will improve safety for everyone in the state of New York and will provide added support for immigrants in our area.

Resolving Status Issues With the Right Legal Help

If you or any member of your family needs help with your immigration status, working with an experienced New York immigration attorney is a practical step toward dealing with these problems. Your lawyer will look at your case and will provide you with practical and positive steps to resolve issues with visa overstays, unlawful entry into the United States, citizenship applications and many other concerns that may be affecting your family. If you are already dealing with ICE officials and may be facing deportation, contacting a New York immigration attorney right away is essential to protect your legal rights.

At Oltarsh & Associates, P.C., we offer practical support for immigrants in New York City and the surrounding areas. Our practice focuses on helping you stay in this country and ensuring that your immigration status issues are resolved effectively. Call us today at 212-944-9420 to schedule a free case evaluation with our team. We are here to serve you.

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