Help from a New York Deportation Attorney
The New York Police Department achieved a perfect record for the year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019. During this time period, the NYPD rejected 100 percent of requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain immigrants beyond their scheduled release date for retrieval and arrest by ICE agents. This reinforces New York’s status as a sanctuary for undocumented and documented immigrants and should provide greater peace of mind for these individuals and families within our area. Working with a qualified New York immigration attorney is a practical step toward dealing with visa issues and ensuring that you can remain in the U.S. legally.
New York City Detainer Law Protects Immigrants
ICE has used detainer requests to apprehend immigrants for potential deportation and evaluation of their immigration status. Many of the immigrants ICE wishes to detain are guilty of minor traffic violations or other misdemeanors that pose no serious threat to public safety. As a result, the NYPD has decided to limit its cooperation with ICE and to provide a safer environment for the immigrants who become involved in the legal system within the borders of the city. For those who may be at risk of ICE detention, enlisting the help of a New York deportation attorney is a good first step toward resolving issues and ensuring the best possible outcomes for you and your family.
Services Offered by Your New York Deportation Attorney
By consulting with a qualified New York deportation attorney, you can streamline the process of acquiring a green card and achieving the right to remain in the U.S. legally. Your lawyer will work with you to determine the right solutions for your family and will provide the right support for your current and future immigration requirements.
If you need the help of a qualified New York immigration attorney, the team at Oltarsh & Associates, P.C. will provide you with the right representation to resolve issues with visas, deportation proceedings and other problems with ICE or other federal agencies. Give us a call at 212-944-9420 to schedule a free initial consultation with us. We are here to serve you.