Buses of Migrants Sent to NYC From Texas

New York City Migrants

Legal Help for New York City Migrants

The large influx of migrants at the southern border has continued, leading to a crisis. Many people have arrived at the border to escape dangerous circumstances in their home countries in a bid to seek asylum in the U.S. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has reacted to the arrivals of migrants by sending buses of migrants to major cities in the U.S., including New York City and Washington, D.C. This has resulted in a growing conflict between Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Abbott as the Texas governor continues to use migrants to make a political statement during his run for re-election.

Arrival of New York City Migrants

Dozens of buses filled with migrants from the border have been sent by the Texas governor to New York and Washington, D.C. When a recent bus arrived from El Paso, Texas, city officials were waiting to greet them with blankets and food at the New York Port Authority. The officials shook each of the migrants’ hands as they exited the bus before leading them away downtown. Forty-four migrants were on this bus, which was only one of many that have been sent.

Abbott claims that the buses filled with migrants to New York, Washington, D.C., and other major cities are meant to let the cities understand what it’s like at the border. However, city officials condemn the governor’s actions as shameful. The commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, Manuel Castro, told reporters that the city’s priority is to make certain that the New York City migrants are provided with the resources they need, including medical services, food, and water. He stated that Abbott is trying to weaponize asylum seekers and that the city condemns Abbott’s use of them for political reasons.

Abbott claims that the buses are necessary because of the large influx of migrants in cities along the border. Mayor Adams has also condemned Gov. Abbott. He stated that he had called friends in Texas and discouraged them from voting for Abbott in the election. He also said that maybe he should direct buses of New Yorkers to Texas to knock on doors to get out the vote against Abbott so that he can be pushed out of office for the good of the country.

Abbott said that since New York is a sanctuary city, it should be able to house the migrants he sends. He said that both Washington, D.C. and New York are ideal destinations for the asylum-seekers since they have so many city services and housing available to offer.

Stretched Resources

New York City has a legal right to shelter and is struggling to house each migrant who arrives from Texas. Because of the limited available affordable housing in the city, many of the migrants have to go into the city’s homeless shelter system. Some asylum-seekers have said that they feel unsafe in the shelters, which are already strained because of the city’s affordable housing problem. Many of the migrants have said that they weren’t given a choice when they were sent to New York, and many also don’t have family members or friends in the city.

Asylum Process

Migrants arriving in the U.S. have the right to request asylum upon their arrival. They are then interviewed to determine whether they have a credible fear of returning to their home country. If the hearing officer determines the migrant has a credible fear of persecution if they are returned to their home country, they will either receive a notice to appear in immigration court or be referred to a second interview with an immigration official. The process of requesting asylum and appearing in court can take months, so many migrants are left in limbo while they wait.

Seek Help from a New York Immigration Lawyer

A New York immigration lawyer at Oltarsh & Associates can help New York city migrants navigate through the immigration process. Our attorneys have helped people with immigration issues for decades and can help you understand the potential legal remedies that might be available to you. If you need help with an immigration matter, contact our law firm today to schedule a consultation by calling us at (212) 944-9420.

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