A spouse or child subjected to extreme cruelty or battery may self petition for permanent residence. Evidence that the marriage was entered into in good faith must be shown. A self petitioning child must be under 21 when filing the application but will still be eligible even if the application is adjudicated after the child...Read More
Eligible applicants for adjustment of status who claim under Section 245(i) for having filed for labor certifications or for alien relative petitions prior to April 30, 2001 or who are immediate relatives of U.S. citizens who may not be in legal status and whose applications have been denied by Immigration, may apply under Section 245(K)...Read More
Starting on July 1, 2007 all individuals who have obtained Labor Certifications an apply for green cards immediately. We can help you obtain a Labor Certification and green card. The application must include: Proof that lawful status has been maintained but all 245(i) beneficiaries may file now; Birth certificate; Passport photos; Medicals; Federal income taxes...Read More
Generally one’s country of birth is assigned to an immigrant for purposes of ascertaining quota availability. If an applicant is from mainland China, Mexico, India or the Philippines, there is a long quota delay because these countries have oversubscribed quotas. More than 20,000 immigrants enter from each of these countries annually, which is the limit...Read More
Foreign workers authorized to work can apply for a Social Security card. To apply for a card, an application must be completed and filed and proof made of immigration status, work eligibility, age and identity. Proof of immigration status is shown by the arrival departure record issued when you enter the U.S.; if you have...Read More