Undocumented Immigrant Children

Public schools throughout the U.S. may not discriminate against any child because of immigration status. Under Federal law, all States and Municipalities must provide equal access to all children residing within their districts without discrimination because of race or natural origin or reference to their parents illegal status.

The U.S. Supreme Court held in 1982 that a State may not deny access to basic public education to any child residing in the State, whether present in the U.S. legally or otherwise. Young children have a right to primary and secondary education to avoid extreme hardship if a basic education is not afforded then.

If any problem comes up about school for your children call us to help you. We also provide help to their parents or guardians for any immigration problems as well.

If you need help or advise, Call Us: (212)944-9420. or Email: [email protected]

Our assistance is only a phone call, or e-mail communication away!

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