New York Nixed for Trusted Traveler Programs

Trusted Traveler Programs

Benefits of the Trusted Traveler Programs

A leaked memo indicates that New York residents will no longer be eligible to participate in the Trusted Traveler Programs put in place by the Department of Homeland Security. This action comes in response to the implementation of New York’s Green Light Law, which prevents the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from sharing information from its databases with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal immigration agencies. For immigrants who may be adversely affected by this move on the part of the current administration, working with a qualified and knowledgeable New York immigration lawyer is a solid step toward resolving issues and promoting the greatest convenience for these individuals and families.

What Are the Trusted Traveler Programs?

The programs affected by this move by the Trump administration include TSA Pre✓®, Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI and FAST. Each of these programs can make it simpler for frequent travelers to make their way through Customs and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checks. Federal agencies use the records of state DMV offices to determine eligibility for these programs. The Green Light Law prohibits New York DMV offices from granting access to their databases to federal agencies. Most immigration advocates view the removal of eligibility for New York residents as a consequence of this new law and a retaliatory move against the state by the Trump administration.

The Right Representation Can Make a Difference

For immigrants in the state of New York, working with a qualified and knowledgeable New York immigration lawyer is typically the best way to resolve issues with visas, travel plans and other situations that could threaten your ability to live, work and pursue your dreams in the United States. Your attorney will work with you to determine the best approach for managing your travel requirements and ensuring that you and your family are protected against adverse actions by ICE and other federal immigration agencies. By choosing the right legal firm to represent your interests, you and your family can achieve the best results for your immigration applications.

At Oltarsh & Associates, we work with you and your family to determine the most practical and cost-effective approach to your immigration needs. We offer comprehensive legal services designed to help you resolve problems with visa overstays, citizenship applications and other issues that could affect your ability to remain in the United States legally. Call our team today at 212-944-9420 to schedule a free, no-obligation evaluation for your case. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

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